Details: 2stage backdrop & flower bedstage backdrop cloth priting including installation and all allied charges (per sq.ft rate)stage backdrop cloth priting including installation and all allied charges (per sq.ft rate)side wings (per sq.ft rate)led wall backdrop including installation and all allied charges (per sq.ft rate)flower bed (running feet)stage carpetstage carpet (per sq.ft rate)stage creation stage creation on open ground and indoor (if needed) 5ft height 5 mtr centre with iron scaffolding base 20mm plywood grid,steps with hand rail (per sq.ft rate)ramp with hand rail (same specification)-per sq.ft ratevilakku, podium, fan, tables and other materials round tablesteel cusion chair with cover and tie backtea poypodiumdoublg seat sofatable`chairvip chairpedastral fancooler
Sector: Public Relations or publicity