Details: appendix-a- pre-monsoon works od169694/2024-2025:engaging man mazdoor for clearing chocked culvert, clearing vegetation, removing the rcc slab and cleaning drain etc. od169695/2024-2025:engaging jcb for removal of wastage, eviction purpose etc. od169696/2024-2025:engaging tipper for conveying wastag od169699/2024-2025:engaging concrete cutting machine for removing concrete structure and unauthorized constructions. od169697/2024-2025:engaging wood cutter for cutting trees and branches standing in dangerous condition od169701/2024-2025:hire charge for machine saw including petrol charge od169702/2024-2025:engaging man mazdoor for assisting wood cutter and removing branches of trees, cutting in shape for keeping road side with out hindrance to the traffic as per the direction of deptl. officers at site. od169698/2024-2025:hire charges of rope for cutting trees standing in dangerous condition. 2.2:clearing grass and removal of up to a distance of 50 metres outside the periphery of the a
Sector: PWD