Details: 100 mm channel shoulder 2.5 m long adjustable span eso+si (2.35-3.40) adjustable telescopic prop 3 m (2.02-3.75m) average rate of mild steel round bars for reinforcements coarse sand (zone iii) corner angle 45x45x5 mm 1.50 m long double clip (bridge clip) fine sand (zone iv) hire charges of concrete mixer 0.25 to 0.40 with hopper m.s. tube 40 mm dia portland cement quarry waste r.c.c. collars np2 class 600 mm dia r.c.c. pipes np2 class 600 mm dia red oxide zinc chromate primer royalty for good earth single clip stone aggregate(single size): 10 mm nominal size stone aggregate(single size): 40 mm nominal size stone aggregate(single size):20 mm nominal size stone for masonry work structural steel such as tees, angles, channels and r.s. joists twisted steel/deformed bars (needle type 40 mm) wall form panel 1250x500 mm
Sector: RDPR