Details: corrective accormodative chappal ( medial arch support /mcr sole/lateral wedge/ medial wedge/up to one inch height correction.) corrective accormodative shoe ( medial arch support /mcr sole/lateral wedge/ medial wedge/up to one inch height correction.) mcr foot wear (mcr chappal/shoe) ctev shoe smo (supra malleolar orthosis ) hallux valgus splint surgical shoe (more than one inch height correction.) [a] afo ( medial arch support /mcr sole/lateral wedge/ medial wedge/up to one inch height correction ) [b] accormodative chappal or [c] accormodative shoe [a] articulated (dynamic) afo ( medial arch support /mcr sole/lateral wedge/ medial wedge/up to one inch height correction ) metalic afo [a] ctev afo [a] foot drop splint (leaf spring afo) [a] kafo ( medial arch support/ lateral wedge/ medial wedge/height correction)-alimco joint [b] accormodative chappal or [c] accormodative shoe [a] articulated (dynamic) kafo (medial arch support /mcr sole/lateral wedge/ medial wedge/up to one inch heig
Sector: Industries and Factories