Details: road maintanance 3.2:preparation of foundation for embankment <br> scarifying existing bituminous surface to a depth of 150 mm by mechanical means <br> scarifying the existing bituminous road surface to a depth of 150 mm and disposal of scarified material with a lift upto 3 m and lead upto 1000 m as per technical specification clause 301.4. 3.5.3:excavation in soil using hydraulic excavator and tippers with disposal upto 1000 m <br> excavation for roadwork in soil with hydraulic excavator of 0.9 bucket capacity including cutting and loading in tippers, trimming bottom and side slopes, in accordance with requirements of lines, grades and cross-sections, and transporting to the embankment location with a lift upto 1.5 m and lead upto 1000 m as per technical specification clause 302.3 od504264/2024-2025:granular sub-base/base/surface course with serviceable material available during scarifying ofexisting road. construction of granular sub-base with departmental materia
Sector: RDPR