Details: side wall 2.7.d:dismantling stone masonry as per technical specification clause 202. dismantling of existing structures like culverts, bridges, retaining walls and other structure comprising of stone masonry, including disposal of unserviceable material and stacking the serviceable material with all lift and lead of 1000 m as per technical specification clause 202. (d) dry rubble masonry 3.5.1:excavation in cutting in soil by manual means with lead upto 50 m excavation for roadway in soil using manual means for carrying of cut earth to embankment site with a lift upto 1.5 m and lead upto 50 m as per technical specification clause 302.3 od398216/2024-2025:dry rubble masonry _ dry rubble without concrete levelling course masonry with good quality blasted rubble including packing to compactness to lines and levels cost and conveyance of all materials labour charges etc. complete as per direction of departmental officers at site od398215/2024-2025: dr with departmental stone- dry rubble m
Sector: RDPR