Details: plumbing and fixing pvc pipes, fittings including fixing the pipe with clamps at 1.00m spacing. this includes jointing of pipes & fittings with one step pvc solvent cement and testing of joints complete as per direction of engineer-in-charge 40 mm dia 10 kgf/cm2- internal work- exposed on wall and fixing pvc pipes includings jointing of pipes with one step pvc solvent cement, trenching, refilling & testing of joints complete as per direction of engineer in charge. 75 mm dia 6 kgf/ cm2 and fixing pvc pipes includings jointing of pipes with one step pvc solvent cement, trenching, refilling & testing of joints complete as per direction of engineer in charge.110 mm dia 6kgf/cm2 18.10.4:providing and fixing g.i. pipes complete with g.i. fittings and clamps, including cutting and making good the walls etc. internal work- exposed on wall32 mm dia nominal bore 18.17.2:providing and fixing gun metal gate valve with c.i. w
Sector: RDPR