Details: retaring coat - with packed bitumen rates <br> providing and applying tack coat with bitumen emulsion (rs-1) using emulsion distributor at the rate of 0.20 to 0.25 kg per sqm on the prepared bituminous surface cleaned with hydraulic broom as per technical specification clause 503. seal surfacing - manual means - type a - bitumen s-65 - packed bitumen rates <br> providing, laying and rolling of close-graded premix surfacing material of 20 mm thickness composed of 11.2 mm to 0.9 mm (type-a) or 13.2 mm to 0.9 mm (type-b) aggregates using grade bitumen to required line, grade and level to serve as wearing course on a previously prepared base, including mixing in a suitable plant, laying and rolling with a three wheel 8-10 kn static roller and finishing to required level and grades as per technical specification clause 509 <br> by manual means <br> type a <br> (ii) bitumen (s-65) 75.5.5.b.2pb:modified macadam 75 mm thick
Sector: RDPR