Details: tank 14.43:removing white or colour wash by scrapping and sand papering and preparing the surface smooth including necessary repairs to scratches etc. complete. 22.23.1:providing and applying integral crystalline slurry of hydrophilic in nature forwaterproofing treatment to the rcc structures like retaining walls of the basement,water tanks, roof slabs, podiums, reservior, sewage & water treatment plant, tunnels/ subway and bridge deck etc., prepared by mixing in the ratio of 5 : 2 (5 partsintegral crystalline slurry : 2 parts water) for vertical surfaces and 3 : 1 (3 partsintegral crystalline slurry : 1 part water) for horizontal surfaces and applying thesame from negative (internal) side with the help of synthetic fiber brush. the materialshall meet the requirements as specified in aci-212-3r-2010 i.e by reducingpermeability of concrete by more than 90% compared with control concrete as perdin 1048 and resistant to 16 bar hydrostatic pressure on negative side. the crystallineslurry s
Sector: RDPR