Details: items class room soft flooring, multi colour, anti skid,size_length 1 metre, width 1 metre, thickness 15 cm and above. acrylic smooth painting (anganwadi full) per square feet baby friendly art, use acrylic smooth paint (class room and anganwadi front wall). per square feet synthetic enamel painting (all doors, windows, ventilators) per square feet rectangle writing white board table, length 47 inch, width 23.5 inch,upper writing area length 45 inch, width 21.5 inch,upperboard thickness 1 inch. four detacheble and height adjustable legs, legs are round type with gripped rubber bush, multi colour legs, leg frame width 19 inch. leg frame child mail box, it made up of fully includes one wooden post box key,six wooden stamps,six wooden greetings card.front upperside 3 different size wooden greeting insert holes 12 pieces shape adjustable multi use fence, it includes 12 pieces fence wall, the single piece fence height is 22.5 inch, width 15.5 inch, with 12 round shape locking
Sector: Urban Authority