Details: supply and delivery of bokashi bucket as per the specification supplying and delivery of bokashi bucket as per the specifiction mentioned below at the locations as per the direction of office in charge etc.complete.1)two numbers of 30 litre czpacity ppcp bucket for treating 1.5 kg/day waste with ppcp lid having bottom slender portion meant for leachate collection and top wider portion meant for waste digestion2) a tap at the bottom for removing the leachate collected3)a filter made of pvc to strain liquid particles from waste to avoid presence of excess the compost bins4) an abs filter placed above the leachate collection partion for starining leachate from digested waste5)a small piece of jiggery inserted at the bottom mot portion to eliminate the odour in the leachate collected6)1 kg of approved inoculum as a starter for composting (2 weeks anaerobic fementation period is recommended.after 15 days anaerobic fermentation process a pickled acidic pre –composter product is obtaine
Sector: Urban Authority