Details: part i - overhauling and operation of incinerator unit iappendix a supply, fabrication and fixing of droplet separator having 800 mm dia, 2600 mm hight straight portion made of 6mm thick ms plate,800 x 375 conical portion having 340mm height made of 6mm ms plate, 8 mm thick bottom plate provision for fixing of vetury scrubber unit, scrubbing water pump inlet and outlet connection, u bend having 410mm dia made of 4mm ms sheet for connecting the droplet with id fan suction duct, drain point, manhole etc. the rate inclusive of complete dismantling of existing droplet separator applying 2 coat hammer tone paint. transportation charges from work shop to sabarimala, consumables like welding rod;cutting wheel lpg, packing, oxygen etc supply, fabrication and of venturi scrubber system suitable for the old incineration made of stainless steel 316. the device will be suitable to remove the dust particles from the flue gas and reduce the flue gas temperature to 90 0 c from 1100 0 c. the ventur
Sector: Religious building