Details: appendix a maintenance, repairing and complete overhauling of primary chamber. (2 set) cleaning the refractory lined furnace walls, arch, patch work to the refractory lining and insulation layer using fire create cement ,bricks etc , making good the refractory lined charging door and ash doors using castables, and ceramic wool. the rate also includes complete painting (2 coats) of primary chamber out surface using heat resistant aluminium paint. maintenance, repairing and complete overhauling of secondary chamber . (2 set)cleaning the refractory lined furnace walls, arch, patch work to the refractory lining and insulation layer using fire create cement ,bricks etc , making good the refractory lined ash doors using castables, and ceramic wool. the rate also includes complete painting (2 coats)of secondary chamber out surface using heat resistant aluminium paint. complete dismantling of mono -bloc burner assembly in primary and secondary chamber for the incinerators,
Sector: Religious building