Details: installation of household ring compost a)ferro cement ring of internal diameter 0.7mm,thickness 2.5cm and height 0.5m placed over a circular ferro cement slab of dia 0.75m and thickness 2.5cm(without fixing).the ring to have a 30cmx30cm opening on the side at the bottom with a ferro cement slab cover of the same curved shape which can be removed and refined back tightly with a locking arrangement for removal of compost when ready.the ring will also have a hole of dia 2.5cm at the bottom for the leachate to flow out. b)circular ferro cement cover slab of 0.75m diameter and 2.5cm thick with central circular hole of 0.3m diameter to cover the ring.the hole will have a lid cover which can be removed and refined back for loading the waste into the ring and closing it tightly after loading the waste. c.optiion to provide hdpe sheet 0.15mm thickness in lieu of ferro-cement slab at the base can also be given in such case the cos
Sector: RDPR