Details: sree parasurama temple, thiruvallam attending the repairs to the existing damaged wooden doors and windows in northern side balimandapa by using new country wood and fixing 4mm ms mesh including making supplying and fitting etc., along with two coats of synthetic enamel paint after applying one coat of primer as per the direction of work in charge. careful removal of damaged/ leaky weathering course of thidappally and providing new weathering course by laying brick masonry in proper gradient to arrest leakage of water including disposal of debris outside of outer prakara wall etc., complete as per the direction of work in charge. laying of clay flat tiles in lime surkhi mortar 1:1:1 on top of weathering course, curing etc., complete as per the direction of work in charge plastering to the existing damaged pradhakshina paatha using lime mortar 1:1:1 ratio of 20 mm thick after removal of the worn out/ raking out surface including disposal of debris away from the monument etc., complete a
Sector: Museums