Details: 1 1855.50 m³(one thousand eighthundred and fifty fivepoint five zero cubicmeters)providing and placing in situ design mix reinforced cement concrete of m30using ordinary port land cement (opc) as per isi code using 20mm gaugeand below graded hbg stone jelly with maximum cement content of 440kg/ with maximum water cement ratio of 0.45 and using superplasticizer 250ml per 50kg cement but the rate excluding cost of the steelreinforcement and form work etc. complete complying with standardspecification. the rate is inclusive of cost and conveyance of all ingredientmaterials, labour charges for weighing batching mixing laying tamping,vibrating, neat finishing with suitable cement mortar if necessary, curing andcasting concrete sample standard cube and conducting test to ascertaintheir compressive strength, including hire charges of all machineries etccompleted as directed by the engineer. for grouper fish module/triangularfish module/well ring module1 m³(one cubicmetre)2 1971.00 qtl(one th
Sector: Buildings