Details: plain cement concrete 1:4:8 (one part of cement, four part of crushed stone sand (m- sand) and eight part of coarse aggregates) using 40mm size iss hbg metal including cost and conveyance of all materials to site and including for the mixing, laying and labour charges and all incidential charges such as water providing etc., complete as per standard specification supplying and erecting centering to sides and soffits including supports and strutting with necessary cross bracing for plain surface such as rcc slabs rectangular beams all beams lintels etc., centering for soffits upto 3 meter height using mild steel sheet of size 90 cm x 60 cm x 10 mm gauge with ms angles of size 25mm x 25mm x 3mm laid over silver oak (cw) joists of size 10cm x 6cm spaced upto 90cm c/c and casurina props or 10 cm to 13 cm dia spaced at 0.750 cm c/c complying with standard specifications as per tndss no : 30 & 86. plain cement concrete 1:2:4 mix (one part cement, two part sand and four part of aggrigate) us
Sector: RDPR