Details: earth work excavation of building in kind of soilsand sup soilsand full depth as may be directed by the departmental officers with initial lift and leads and cleaning and leveling the site providing vermiculate filling for toilet including all cot of materials and labour charges etc completed cement concrete 1:4:8 (one cement four sand and eight aggregate)using 40mm gauge hand broken granite stone jelly for foundation including dewatering if found necessary and laid in layers of not more than 15cm thick and compacted brick work in cm 1:5 (one cement and five sand) using best quality ii class bricks (chamber burnt) bricks of size 9''x43/8''x23/4'' for the following including curing, complete complying with standard specifications (masonary projections wherevernecessary for obtaining the required elevation shall be done without extra cost) plastering with cement motar in cm 1:3 (one cement and three sand) 20mm thick in all floors complying with standard specifications filling the area wi
Sector: Municipality