Details: operation and maintenance of 68 nos of toilet blocks at vegetable market, fruit market , flower market & 10 nos of urinals at kwmc including maintaining of water supply and sanitary network by engaging toilet block per day for 3 shift {18 nos in 1st shift (6 am to 2.00 pm ),18 nos in 2nd shift (2.00 pm to 10.00 pm) and 9 nos of 3rd shift (10.00 pm to 6.00 am )}, & plumber- supervisor 4 nos per day {2nos 1st shift (6 am to 2.00 pm ) , 1nos 2nd shift (2.00 pm to 10.00 pm) & 1nos 3rd shift (10.00 pm to 6.00 am )}.toilet blocks should be cleaned by engaging 12 nos.of high pressure washer for all perishable markets. the work includes cleaning of toilets by using high pressure washer, operation of motors and valves to ensure uninterrupted water supply to the toilet blocks, sweeping and mopping of floors in toilet blocks, cleaning of urinals, water closet, washbasins, etc complete., by using detergents / disinfectants round the clock. the rate includes rectification of minor repairs in w