Details: hiring cultural stage, control room, vip container toilet, ep tents and arabian tents for shq officials in diamond jubilee jamboree 2025 and dr.muthamizh kalaignar karunanithi centenary special jamboree at sipcot in manapparai, trichy district labour and hire charges for of stage wooden of platform to a height of 6 ft for stage 25mm plywood and planks fixing in the steel pipes and angles welded plate bottom fixed with bolt nut and hand raillings of steel ., complete as directed by the departmentaal officers ( hire charges only) center stage 80x80x6ft with skiriting steps and railling 6ft - 4 steps hiring charges of aluminimum truss 100 x100 box truss, supported with sufficient water tanks across the base, wich will be stable to handle 400 lightings across the truss box truss 100 x 100 x 36 ft height transportation charges for cultural stage arrangements materials to and fro from chennai to trichy manaparai in container, in 6 trucks for jamboree scout and guide event 2025 labour
Sector: RDPR