Details: construction of co location of csc with panchayat office-type 1 (3.0 x 3.6m -151 sqft) at vannakudi panchayat earthwork excavation for foundation (for narrow excavation) to full depth as per designed in all soils and sub soils except soft disintegrated rock not requiring blasting and hard rock requiring blasting and bailing water wherever necessary. refilling the sides of foundation with excavated earth other than sand in layers of well rammed and compacted and depositing the surplus earth in places shown by the departmental officers with an initial lead of 10m and initial lift of 2m and clearing and leveling the site etc. complete complying with standard specification. supplying and filling in foundations and basement with filling m- sand in layers not exceeding 15 cm.thick,well watered,rammed and consolidated etc. complete complying with standard specifications. plain ceme
Sector: RDPR