Details: c-band dual polarized sspa based doppler weather radar system including all units / sub units and accessories as follows: transmitter radome, antenna & antenna pedestal antenna control unit and radar control unit receiver radar signal processor peripherals as per detail at chapter 3 para 2.47 at each site as per detail at chapter 3 para 2.48 at each site and central server at tamil nadu state data centre. software radar application and operating software server one local gis server for display of radar data products at each site and one at seoc, chennai. all required networking hardware and software at each site and one set at central server at tamil nadu state data centre allied works / service installation charges including materials as per chapter 3 clause 8. civil works related to radome mounting and all installation. acceptance testing (site) products (software) communication hardware/ software for data transfer to central server any other unit/ subunits/ item not listed above bu
Sector: Disaster Mgmt