Details: patient cots -adultchild32bed side locker ( without steel3top) stools / chair4cprmanikins for demonstratingfull bodynursing procedure:adult male (indian export1quality)adult female (imported)11child manikin (imported) new born (imported)1cpr manikin half body1(imported)trays different sizes :(i).24" x 16"14" x 10" 11" x 9"4448" x 5"4(ii) trays with cover -assortedsizes bowls16" diameter410" diameter 4" diameter662-3" diameter6(ii). bowls with cover556" diameter4" diameterenema can1 1t. capacitykidney trays of assored sizes546big)12 57measuring jugs 1000 ml.500 ml.250 ml.22268basins:assorted size basins910332catheter dish with cover knife dish with cover11feeding cups cansputum mugs4634bed pansurinals -male funnel :2 nn24" diameter2"diameterjars with covers :112" x 8"6" x 4"dressing drums :8" x 4"112" x 9"11tub for sitz bath sauce pan with lid :11 1t. capacity2 1t. capacity11kettle :11 1t. capacity12 1t. capacitytrolleys with upper and lowershelves (without steel top)pint measure22222
Sector: Medical and Health