Details: n mineral exploration. dgps surveytor auction of mineral block, prefeasibility study, mining plan etc and undertaken similarprojects in north eastern states or hilly areas to undertake the following works. recconnaitory survey for plastic clay in & around tezu | 55.00area, lohit dist. a.ppreliminary investigation on graphite occurrences at 55.00rubung. kerang. pango. singing 6& ninging area underupper siang dist3 preliminary investigation of graphite in kra daddi dist. 55.000a.pinvestigarion of rock quarries in papum pare & lower 55.00subansiri dist, a.pauction of minerals 23.006. advisory service for preparation of mandatory various 60.00rulesexploration of mineralsgeo chemical & geological mapping for lime stone & 70.00dolomite in & around menga area, upper subansiri |dist, a.pi) geo chemical & geological mapping for lime stone & 75.00dolomite in & around yemsing rottung area of siang &|east siang dist. a.pi) e- auction of kalaktang quartzite 48.00
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