Details: no. 2-5/mgnrega/quotation/po/rgt/2014-15/09office of the addl. dist. programme coordinatormahatma gandhi national rural employment guarantee act,rangatrangat, dated the 26th april’2018quotation noticesealed quotation are invited by the mahatma gandhi nrega office of rangat block, middleandaman from the bonafied suppliers/authorized dealers/registered co-operative societies for thesupply of following tools/materials for mgnrega works being executed in various grampanchayat under mgnrega rangat block for one year from the date of acceptance of the rate. thedetails of items and its specification are as mentioned of stores specification unit rate1 cement 43-grade per bags2 cement 53-grade per bags3 crusher dust good quality per cum4 pulverised sand fine per cum5 stone aggregate 60 mm per cum6 stone aggregate 40 mm per cum7 stone aggregate 20 mm per cum8 stone aggregate 12.5 mm per cum9 stone aggregate 60 mm per cum10 boulder 90 mm per cum11 boulder 100 mm per cum12
Sector: District Administration