Details: grouts for injection grouting ultra-fine cementitious single component injection for structural repairs. providing and supplying ultra-fine cementitious grout alccofine 1109sr manufactured by m/s counto micro-fine products pvt ltd, goa or equivalent. material should comply to is 14343 formarsh cone viscosity of 35 to 45 seconds, shall have the particle size distributionwith d95 <12 microns and minimum compressive strength of grout more than 30 mpa at 7 days. water to grout powder ratio should not be more than 0.6 for marsh cone viscosity and compressive strength test. cleaning of the entire surface to be treated followed by pressure washing using machine to clear out excess dirt, opening of joints of the cladding tiles by scrappig. supplying and applying and treating it using sikadur
Sector: PWD