Details: earthwork in excavation of foundation of structures of culverts,abntments piers, retaining walls etc. in all types of strata comprising of any of the materials such as soil, silt, sand, clay, gravel, murrum of all varieties, shingles, pebbles, all types of conglomerates, laterite rock etc soft rock, ordinary rock or disintegrated rock, fissured shattered /decomposed rock or weathered rock all such other materials as described under appendix 'a' to these specifications either in full or in parts as the case may be adopting mechanical means (hydraulic excavator) or any approved method or methods as the case may be convenient or permitted inclusive of blasting, chiseling and wedging etc. in all conditions such as dry, moist,saturated, submerged, foul condition etc. and as directed by the engineer-in-charge all complete including dressing of sides ramming of bottom including all leads and lifts including getting out the excavated soil as directed barricading danger lighting guarding and
Sector: PWD