Details: operation & maintenane of pumping machinery 6912 bhp including working and stand bye with automation, rising main, gravity main in a length of 103.52 kms (34.16 km rising main and intermediate gravity main ) + percolation wells, 1 no. sump well, 3 no pump house, yard lighting, 4 no. type-ii quarters, 3 no. type iii quarters and 6 no storage tanks of various capacities constructed by the above pipe net work at various sites complete in all respect for a period of 60 months, so as to provide potable drinking water supply to 349 no. villages of the scheme by properly handling, deploying skilled & unskilled employees and data operator at main controlling station to the entire atisfaction of the engineer-in-charge. 1st year 2nd year 3rd year 4th year 5th year
Sector: Medical and Health