Details: construction of sewage treatment plant of 100 kld capacity based on natural treatment technology with secondry treatment by mbar (multi baffled anaerobic minimum hrt 40 hours) system followed by tertiary treatment based on natural treatment system in the shape of constructed wetland, including evolving of hydraulic & structural designs & drawings, planning, testing and commissioning of treatment plant as per the provision of required on sewerage & sewerage treatment published by cpheeo(latest addition). the sewage treatment plant should be capable of treating domestic raw sewage having influent characteristics of =350 mg/litre & suspended solids =650 mg/litre and the characteristics of treated /disposable effluent should comply with the standards as per the norms of h.p. state pollution control board i.e. ph = 6.5- 9, ≤ 10 mg/litre, cod ≤ 50 mg/litre, tss ≤ 50 mg /litre, faecal coliform (mpn /1000 ml) <100, n - total n ≤ 10 mg/litre, nh4 - n ≤ 5 mg/litre. the scope of work includ