Details: providing & fixing lecture theater desk 4 seater made of 35x35x5 mm angle frame of size 6'x3x2'8" fitted with mdf laminated wooden board 18mm seat of size 10"x7'6"x18" top 15"x7'6x32" & back of size 9"x6' well furnished foot rest of desk made of 1 1/4 round 14 guage iron pipe & desk's top support with 25x25x1.50 mm sq. pipe well painted. front desk of every lecture theater covered with18mm laminated wooden board complete in all respect. providing & fixing visitor chair chrome plated capsule type complete in all respect. providing & fixing office table 4'x2'x2.5' made of 18mm laminated board with drawer and cabinet complete in all respect. providing & fixing green board size 6'x4 & of standard thickness with ceramic sheet alumium beading complete in all respect. providing & fixing revolving chair arms cushioned seat and black hydraulic system medium back with arms of make pearls/décor/godrej & complete in all respect. providing & fixing centre table made of teakwood frame with 12mm glas
Sector: Industry Development