Details: excavation in hilly area in ordinary rock not requiring blasting by mechanical means including cutting and trimming of side slopes and disposal of cut material with a lift upto all lead and lift as per technical specification clause 1603.2. providing, laying, spreading and compacting stone aggregates of specific sizes to water bound macadam specification including spreading in uniform thickness, hand packing, rolling with three wheel 80-100 kn static roller in stages to proper grade and camber, applying and brooming, stone screening/binding materials to fill-up the interstices of coarse aggregate, watering and compacting to the required density grading 2 (by mechanical means) (grading ii =63mm to 45mm) as per technical specification clause 404. including carriage of materials in all leads and lifts including mechanical means. providing and laying plain/reinforced cement concrete in open foundations complete as per drawings and technical specifications clauses 802,803,1202 &1203
Sector: Urban Authority