Description: Please Refer Uploaded document--Name of Work: Providing Access To PWD To B.C.S. Building Himfed. (Dismantling Window, Brick and R.C.C. work, Ramp, Door etc.)
Details: Demolition above G.L. upto floor two level including disposal of unserviceable materials within 20 metres lead and including cutting thenecessary reinforcement and separating out from R.C.C. /R.B. works:- (a) R.C.C. work. Dismantling doors, windows and clerestory windows,ventilators etc. (wood or steel) shutters including chowkhats, architraves, hold fasts and other attachementsetc. complete and stacking them within 20 metres lead.(a) Not exceeding 3 sq.m in area Providing woodwork in frames of doors,windows,clerestory,windows and other frames wrought,framed and fixed in position.(a)2nd class deodar wood. Providing and fixing panelled glazed or panelled and glazed shutters for doors windows and clerestory windows. Including black enamelled iron hinges withnecessary screws. (a) 40 mm thick Providing 40x3 mm flat iron hold fast 40cm. Long including fixing to frame with 10mm diameter bolts & nuts and wooden plugs and embeding in cement concrete block30x10x15cm. 1:3:6 ( 1 cement : 3
Sector: Cooperative Federation