Details: earth work in excavation for structures as per drawing and technical specifications clause 305.1 including setting out, construction of shoring and bracing, removal of stumps and other deleterious material and disposal upto all leads , dressing of sides and bottom and back filling in trenches with excavated suitable material in ordinary soil upto all depth. as directed by the engineer-in-charge.all useful material such as stone, shingle, aggregates& slate etc. shall be sorted out and stacked along the road side properly. any loss to the public and private property to during the course of execution shall be the absoulte responsibility of the contractor which shall have to be duly compensated by him in all cases. providing & making gabion structure with mechanically woven double twisted hexagonal shaped wire mesh gabion boxes as per is 16014:2012 ,morth clause 2500, of requred size, mesh type 10x12 (d=100mm with tolerance of = 2%) zinic+coated, mesh wire diameter 2.7/3.7mm, mechanica
Sector: PWD