Details: dismantling c.g.i. sheet roofing including ridges, hips, valleys and gutters etc., and stacking the material upto any lead including carriage of material within all leads, lifts and other incidentals as per specifications, approved drawing, design and as directed by the engineer-in-charge. removing dry or oil bound distemper by washing and scraping and sand papering the wall surface smooth including necessary repairs to scratches complete, as directed by the engineer-incharge, including carriage of materials within all leads, lifts and other incidentals applying modrent solution on new g.i sheet for preparation of surface for painting @5 (five) litres/100 sqm (one hundred square meter) of surface and rubbing the solution with brush including thoroughly cleaning the surface of all oil grease dirt and other foreign matter complete as directed by the engineer- incharge, including carriage of materials within all leads, lifts and other incidentals applying priming coat with ready mixed
Sector: PWD