Details: excavation in hilly area in all heights and depths and in all kind of soil by manual/mechanical means including saturated soil comprising of ordinary soil, soft rocks, hard rocks, chiseling/wedging out of rock (where blasting is prohibited) and their intermediate classification of soil, setting out true to the required lines, grades, cutting and trimming of side slopes to level as shown in the drawing and as directed by engineer-in-charge at site according to the mord technical specification section 300 and 1600 and sorting out useful materials and stacking the same in all leads, lifts in acquired width of road and transportation of un-useful material for filling in road ways, camber, embankments for grade improvements and disposal of all surplus material to the approved dumping sites through all modes of transportation including head load or animal transport or mechanical means along with its leveling, fine dressing and carriage of machineries, materials, tools, equipments and safety