Details: providing consultancy services to preparation of dpr for channelization of imla bimla khad from shankar dehra to chaira for protection measure/anti erossion work after conducting the detail survey work of the imla bimla khad i/c data required by cwprs pune for the mathematical model studies for hydraulic routing and evoling river training works on imla bimla khad including topograhical suvey with total station /dgps, plotting and prearation of contour plan on auto cad at the suitable scales, design of concrete structure / gabion wall, toe wall, appron & preparation of all drawings on auto cad such as l-section, x-section , contour plan, main plan at the readable scales as per sugestion of cwprs technical report & collecting all related data from field & approval of the same from competent authority of the department, complete in all respect to the entire satisfacion of the engineer-in-charge with in all leads lifts. scope of work: data collection. preparation of index plan, detailed c
Sector: Medical and Health