Details: term contract for md accn term contract for md accn, works complete as per cpwd specification 2021 and direction of engr – in –charge.estimates prepared requisition wise as per requirement estimates based on dsr 2021 with addition of mv 93%, variation of gst @18% in place of 12% a multiplying factor of 1.0633 over dsr-21cost of work and (epf & esic) 3.938%. to perform under term contract such work on the term and conditions and delhi schedule of rates 2021 together with errata/ amendments as applicable and upon the conditions contained in tender documents as may be demanded and are enumerated in the aforesaid standard schedule of rates period of 6 months form the date of acceptance at the rates contained in the aforesaid delhi schedule of rates 2021 alongwith other applicable addition. notes:-
Sector: Police and Internal Security