Details: “supply and installation of the it equipment and software atmeghalaya state data center”tender no. no.mits.2/2017/pt/04 dated shillong the 3rd june, 2020further to the rfp, following amendments and addendum are notified as below. all otherrequirement, specifications, terms and conditions, etc of the rfp remain unchanged.corrigendum:blade enclosure specificationsl. clause no. clause description amended as1 bladeenclosure,page 8should have support for full heightand half height blades in the sameenclosure, occupying a max of 10urack height and can accommodate upto 16 nos blade servers.should support a minimum of 8 nosof blade servers occupying a max of12u rack height2 bladeenclosure,page 8same enclosure should support intelxeon and epic processors basedbladessame enclosure should support intelxeon as well as storage based bladesservers.3 bladeenclosure,page 8should support simultaneous housingof fcoe, ethernet, fc, sas andinfiniband interconnect fabricsoffering hot pluggable & redundancy
Sector: Information Technology