Details: ophthalmoscope technical specification1 should be battery operated.2 should have red-free and cobalt blue filters.3 should have led illumination4 should have small and large spot sizes, fixation targets, slit aperture,hemi-spot and cobalt blue filter.5 should have wheel control with lens powers ranging from +20d to -35d6 should have illuminated lens dial.7 should have rubber brow rest.7 should have dust free optics and a spherical optical system.9 should be supplied with a carrying case.10 should have the iso certification and the copy of the same should be enclosed along with the technical bid.ophthalmoscopeled x ray view box1 led type flat panel x-ray viewing panel should be supplied.2 this should comply with relevant electrical safely codes.3 body should be of extruded aluminum powder coated with bacteria resistant and disinfectant resistant finish.4 the diffuser on the front panel should be a uniformly lit screen.5 dimming electronic control should be enclosed at the bottom of the
Sector: Medical Education