Description: Engagement of Consultant for preparation and submission of half yearly compliance reports in respect to Environment clearance Name of Work Engagement of Consultant for preparation and submission of half yearly compliance reports in respect to Environment clearance terms and conditions in hard soft copies to State Pollution Control Board on 1st June 1st December for 01 one year of GT Unit 4 GT Unit 5 at Gas Thermal Power Plant Baramura
Details: Preparation of Environmental Audit Statement in Prescribed format (Form-V) for the frequency once in a year Regular monitoring for SPM, SO2, NOx within 1 km radius of Power Plant, (six monthly) for the frequency twice in a year Environmental Monitoring for post EC compliance. Preparation & submission of six monthly compliance report to SEIAA (Tripura), TSPCB and Environment Department-Govt of Tripura for the frequency twice in a year
Sector: Generation