Details: carrying out soil investigation by boring through all types of soil with 150 mm dia casing by shell and auger or winch and rope set up as per is:1892-1979 for taking n-value at an interval of 1.5 m depth or change in strata whichever is earlier as per is 2131:1981. undisturbed & disturbed sample as applicable will be collected at every change of strata along with water table recording. the borehole shall be terminated at a depth where n>100 is encountered. laboratory test will be done for visual and engineering classification, bulk density, natural moisture content, sieve and hydrometer analysis, atterberg limits, specific gravity, swelling pressure, & free swell index, triaxial or box shear test, evaluation of safe bearing capacity along with strata logs and submission of comperhensive report and consolidation test as per is 2720.preparation and submission of final report (7 hard copies and one soft copy). including all graph charts, test results etc for calculating sbc with differ
Sector: Police and Internal Security