Details: b. with dewatering.earthwork in excavation for structures as per drawing and technical specifications clause 305.1 including setting out, dewatering, construction of shoring, shuttering & bracing, removal of stumps & other deleterious material and disposal upto a lead of 50 m, dressing of sides & bottom and backfilling in trenches with excavated suitable material.i ordinary soil(i) upto 3.0 m depth. filling in foundation trenches as per drawing & mord technical specification clause 305.3.9, 1200. i) sand filling. providing concrete for plain concrete (using jhama brick aggregate) in open foundations complete including formwork as per drawings & mord technical specifications clauses 802, 803, 900, 1202 and 1203. (including centering, shuttering, staging etc. but excluding reinforcementi) pcc grade m-10 (using jhama agg)(ii) nominal mix 1:3.6 (hand mixing) brick masonary in cement mortar in foundation completed ex/c pointing plastering as per drawing & mord technical spcification clause
Sector: Buildings