Details: ipppiy ofstationery articlesname of articles brand/model unit rate perunit1" a 4 paper different type2 one time pen3 pentonic pen4 pilot pen 0.55 pilot pen 0.76 aipin7 staplel (medium)b stapler (small)i 9tapler pin medium10 staple? pin srnali10 ]qms clips1"l ciip board1.2 calculator-12 digit13 calculator-20 digit1.4 eettary(pancil)15 bettary, remote16 bettary ( pencil)a/c1.7 gump1b ce!!o tap l "19 cello tap 2"20 carbon a.42l gum tubea.) ll register - no. 623 register - no.b24 register - no. 1025 reqister no. t226 register no. l627 case book2b envelop different type29 a4 paper legal size30 pen stand31 punch machinemedium?) stamp pad medium33 stamp pad big34 stamp pad small35 gum/paste 1ltr36 stamp pad ink37 g iig ter veritieslist of staino. f. vr ( 5 4 )-dm / kh / naz / stationery / 2021 -22lour3b writing pad best qualitv39 sticky note 1(flao)40 plastic folder normal41 plastic folder bestquality42 note book43 fiie board & cover44 dak pad45 engaqement pad46 ciip board47 tag4b writing
Sector: Municipality