Description: Agronomical cultivation operation works from land preparation to harvest post harvest handling seed production in crops like pulses millets oilseeds and other field crops in the Government Seed Farms Name of Work Service providers for carrying out various Agronomical cultivation operation works from land preparation to harvest post harvest handling seed production in crops like pulses millets oilseeds and other field crops in the Government Seed Farms viz State Seed Farm SSF Experimental Research Farm ERF and Vocational Agricultural School Farm VASF Madur Karaikal
Details: LAND PREPARATION Dry Ploughing of field for crop cultivation using tractor (per acre) a. Using Cultivator (One Round) b. Using Rotovator (One Round) Dry Ploughing of field for crop cultivation using power tiller (per acre per Round) CROP : Preparation of nursery field, sowing of seeds and management for manual planting (per cent) Preparation of nursery field, sowing of seeds and management for machine planting (per cent) Puddling of fields a. Using Tractor and Cage wheel (One Round) b.Using Tractor, half cagewheel and rotovator(One Round) Wet Ploughing of field for crop cultivation using power tiller (per acre per Round) Trimming and plastering of bunds around fileds (per acre) Levelling of fileds (per acre) Pulling out of seedlings from nursery and placement of seedlings in the field (per cent) Planting of crop in mainfield a. Random planting (per acre) b. Line planting (per acre) c. Machine planting including transportation of seedlings (per acre) First hand weedin
Sector: Agriculture Dept