Durhams Tube Himedia GW163,Tissue Paper Roll,Starc - 90808963

The Puducherry Cooperative Department has published a tender for "Durhams Tube Himedia GW163,Tissue Paper Roll,Starch Soluble Himedia GRM 3029,Accetone Himedia AS0254,Ethanal Absolute Analytical reagent CS,Sulfuric Acid AS015 Himedia,Silicion tube 6x9 mm Borosil 3369002,P Nitrophenyl Phosphate disodium salt hexayhydrate LR RM 1 by 34 Himedia,Silicion tube 15x150mm 983000U07 Borosil,Test Tube 15x150mm 98300U07 Borosil,Test Tube 18 x 150mm 9830007 Borosil,Test Tube 15 x 150mm 9830007 Borosil,Pipette 2 ml 7060P22 Borosil,Pipette 10 ml,Spatula Borosil LASP8888010 10 inch,Beaker Borosil 1000D16,Whatman Filter Paper 40 Dia 125 mm Code Number 1440 125,Farenheit Thermometer Zeal Mercury 10 to 50 degree C,Digital Thermometer C by F Eurolop 50 to 300 degree C,Eutech Instruments Eco tester pH 1,TDS Meter HM Digital,1 to 4 Phenlenediamine dihydrochloride Himedia or Qualigens or SO Chem or Nice,Pipette Controller PP or Silicone Code 2010 Tarson,Sodium Hydrogen Carbonate Himedia GRM 253,ISO AMY AS109 Alcohol Himedia,Pipette Borosil 7060P05 5ml,Safety Goggles 800010 Tarson" on the 22 Feb 2024. This tender belongs to Laboratory Equipments category. This tender is published in Puducherry, Puducherry location. The vendors interested in this tender and related Laboratory Equipments tenders can obtain further details by registering in the Tendersniper web portal. Upon registration, Tendersniper sends regular tender alerts by email specifically addressing the user requirements (i.e., keywords, location and value range). Government business is a growing area of opportunity. The businesses are encouraged to actively monitor tender opportunities and participate in them to grow their business.

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 Tender Details

Sector: Cooperative Federation

Published Date22 Feb 2024
Tender Estimate Value0.0
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Earnest Money Deposit(EMD)INR XXXX
Processing Fee 0
Document Sale Start Date XX-XX-XXXX
Document Sale End DateXX-XX-XXXX
Tender Opening DateXX-XX-XXXX
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