Description: Maintenance Dredging at Pondicherry Port Name of Work Maintenance Dredging at Pondicherry port
Details: “Maintenance Dredging at Pondicherry port". (a) Dredging in the Harbour Mouth, Entrance channel and Sand trap area from the existing bed level upto the level of (-) 5m and (-) 8 m respectively in all kind of soils like clay, silt, sand and gravel including muck and other materials encountered using Cutter Suction dredger of dredging capacity of not less than 75,000 of solids per month and discharge capacity of 4 km. The dredged spoil is to be discharged evenly along the shore at a distance of 3 to 4 Km measured from the discharge end of the dredger and as directed by Engineer in charge from time to time by laying suitable pipeline as required. If necessary, the Contractor may mobilize a Booster station to achieve the discharge distance. The length, width, depth, location to be dredged shall be decided by the Engineer in charge, as per site condition prevailing at the time of dredging and the same shall be adhered to by the Contractor. The rate quoted is to include mobilization, de-
Sector: Harbor