Details: 55 numbers of ou s rights of collection of fees charges over pondicherrymunici1pal utilit y servicesparticulars : date of schedule:i (i). issue of e-auction applicationi (download) . .: from 15.03.2022 to 21.03.2022i (ii). availabil ity of nit and ;emittance of i::md( 10.00 am to 04.00 p.m):frorn 16.03.2022 to 21.03.2022(10.00 ar"v1 to 3.30 pm) iiii(iii). closing date & time fer submission of 'application : 21.03.2022 (3 .30 pm)i (iv) date & time of opening e-auction : from 25.03 .2022 (11.00 am to 05.00 pm)
Sector: General Admin