Details: Sl.No Descriptlon Speclflcollon & Slze ApproxlmolequontltyRote/Unlt/ lonneIForm YordMonure/Composlwell decomposed monure free from ploslic, urbon woster & stones,strow. lunit2. Rlver Sond coorse sond of uniform size gronules free from cloy, I unil3. Red Eorlh well porous red eorlh unit suiloble for gordening I unil4. Coco Peol welldecomposed Coco peot hoving neutrol Ph ond below I EC. llonne5.Cow Dung(drylwet) lunit6. Colr Plth Itonne7EnrichedColr PithComposl:well decomposed coir pith hoving neutrol Ph ond belowl EC llonne8 Mud Pol1. The should be well burnt, uniform in colour &diometer.1. The heighl of pots should not vory & should hove goodporosity.2. At leost lhere should three droin holes be in the sidebotlom & one hold in lhe cenlre bottom. The sizespecified is the top inner diometer.10" 3500 lno12" 3500 'I no9Cementpotl. The pols should be uniform in size ond diometer.2. The pols should resl on the floor properly.3. At leost there should be three droin holes in the sideboltom &
Sector: Agriculture Dept