Details: 2.27c.1: supplying and filling with gravel (excluding rock) in layers not exceeding20cm in depth , breaking clods , watering ,rolling each layer with 1/2 tonne roller ,or wooden or steel rammers and rollingevery 3rd and top-most layer with powerroller of minimum 8 tonnes capacityincluding all leads and lift (payment willbe made based on level measurement) 4.1a.1: construction of granular sub-base by providing close graded material, mixing ina mechanical mix plant at omc, carriage ofmixed material to work site, spreading inuniform layer with motor grader on preparedsurface and compacting with vibratory powerroller to achieve the desired density,complete as per clause 401of morthspecification, 4th revision - by plant mixmethod for grading i material.
Sector: District Administration