Details: specification for printerbid requirementhp, brother, canon, epson10 nos. (en we woprint and scanlasermin 600 x 600yesethernet 10/100yes3 years or highermono150 or higheryes2000020 or higher30 or higherdadf/radestandard connecting ports and cable for operation ofbrandsquantityfeatureprinting technologyresolution (dpi)duplexing featurenetwork interfacewireless connectivityoem on-site warrantytype of printingpaper tray capacitynetwork connectivityduty cycle(number of printing/month)duplex print speed(ipm)print speed per minute a4 manodoc feeder typeotherprinter सामग्री की घरे निम्नानुसार अंकित करे।computer0501 मूल्य2678910111213141516 1710 rdalla
Sector: District Administration